"stop, look, listen, write." submit articles to: krayraen@yahoo.com

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Unending, Indefinite, Perpetual...


i don't know
how i got there
but i'm not surprised anymore
for i have been there
too many times
too many times in fact,
i don't have recollections at all.

so there i was standing
my mind was consumed thinking
about which way to go
should i take the freeway
where speed is of the essence
or onto the service road
where the trip would require patience?

i paused for awhile
pondering the choices
that was before me
then i heard two distinct voices

one said "take the freeway kid,
and call it quits" "just let it go, it's not
all you fault to begin with!"

then the other one said,
"yeah right, listen to him..."
"take the easy way out, undermine
the "what could have beens..""

"but this is not you kid, i know
you for so long"
"you know there is a better
way out of this shit,
and it's not going home."

"look who's talking?"
"he who claims steadfast, but the three
of us knows,
anytime he could collapse!"

"yes, infallible i am not, sometimes
i have my shortcomings too,
but im not the type who easliy gives up!"

"trials come and go, but steadfast, i shall
remain, my faith to her is unbreakable
amidst trememdous sorrow and pain"

"she will have my unwavering love,
my devotion shall not wither,
although hope seems so distant
i shall not despair!"

"listen to yourself, do you know
what you're saying?
"you've always been suicidal,
especially about things you never
saw coming."

"are you that stupid? have you lost
your mind? have you ever gave it
a thought, that she's willing to leave
it all behind?"

"no, im not stupid, my mind
is still intact, yes, im confused
but that doesn't mean im

"not seeing her, at the end
of the road, whichever road
should i take, is a possibility
that im willing to face."

"but in the shortest time,
that i was fortunate to have spent
with her, i have a reason to
conclude, that she will be there!"

"such optimism is admirable,
but don't you think it is futile?
assuming she will be there, but
can you run the extra mile?"

"sooner or later, i know
you would give up. might
as well stop now, what do you
say about that?"

"i say shut up! this is my life."
"i know what im doing, why dont
you just tag along for the ride?"

"sarcasm, sarcasm... that, you
always have too much, too much
in fact, that you fail to discern
what is fiction and what is fact!"

"fact is, she is also on the
crossroads of her life right now,
more confused than you, her mind
is clouded by doubt."

"why am i listening to you?
i should have known better!
you are the same doubt that
corrupted my lover!"

"no i am not, i beg to disagree.
i am but a piece of yourself
who just wants you to be free."